takes place under the auspices of the Belgian School of Athens (EBSA) and is operated in the field by the Aegis research group at the Université catholique de Louvain at Louvain-la-Neuve
A joined research project between the Universities of Leuven, Louvain and the Mediterranean Archaeological Institute
Le massif de l’Anavlochos se trouve en Crète, dans la région du Mirambello, zone charnière entre la Crète centrale et la Crète orientale.
Le site minoen de Malia se trouve dans une plaine côtière du Nord de la Crète, à 30 km à l’Est d’Héraklion, au pied de la chaîne du Séléna.
Malia représente l’un des quatre grands palais minoens mis au jour en Crète (avec les édifices de Cnossos, Phaistos et Zakros), mais aussi la ville palatiale actuellement la mieux connue, dont plusieurs quartiers d’habitation, certaines voies et des nécropoles ont été explorés.
Palaikastro is located at the eastern end of the island of Crete and has a rich history as a Minoan City and the locale of the Sanctuary of Diktaian Zeus. Study for publication is currently underway on the results of excavations conducted at Palaikastro in the 1980s and 1990s. A geophysical survey in 2001 revealed anomalies consistent with substantial Minoan architecture in the southwest region of the Roussolakkos plain. Survey, followed by excavation, re-started in 2012, under the direction of Prof. Carl Knappett of the University of Toronto, in collaboration with Prof. Nicoletta Momigliano and Prof. Alexandra Livarda for the British School at Athens. Our ARC closely collaborates with this project in the persons of Dr. Tim F. Cunningham, Dr. Quentin Letesson and Nicolas Kress. This link presents an overview of the work done at Palaikastro in recent years.