Technology in Crisis
Technological changes in ceramic production during periods of trouble
18-19 February 2016
Salle du Sénat Académique
Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
International workshop organised by the ARC ‘A World in Crisis?’, Aegis (UCL-INCAL-CEMA)
Thursday 18th February 2016
9:00-9:30 Accueil et inscription/Registration – café/coffee
9:30 Accueil et introduction par un représentant des autorités académiques/ Introduction by representative of academic authorities.
9:35 Ilaria CALOI (UCL-Aegis/Université de Venise) &
Charlotte LANGOHR (UCL-Aegis/FNRS)
Technological changes in ceramic production during periods of trouble:
questions and perspectives
9:50 Opening lecture by Valentine ROUX
Changes in ceramic traditions and periods of crisis: between sociological
changes and uncertainty in the selection process
10:30 Questions/comments
10:40 Coffee break
1. Technological changes in periods of trouble and mutation: comparative and ethnoarchaeological approach
History is in the details: The transformation of cultural areas in central Africa
11:40 questions/comments
11:50 Per Ditlef FREDRIKSEN
Experimentation, innovative acceleration and collapse: the case of ceramic
technology in Iron Age western Scandinavia, c. AD 200-550
12:30 Questions/comments
12:40 Lunch break
2. Technological changes in periods of trouble and mutation: Early, Middle and early Late Bronze Age Aegean
14:00 Simona TODARO, Roberta MENTESANA, Peter Day & Vassilis Kilikoglou.
Technological changes in the period of transition from Neolithic to Early
Minoan: a view from Phaistos
14:40 Questions/comments
14:50 Eleni NODAROU & Tom BROGAN
The times they are A-changin’: pottery production and technological change
at Mochlos in the Prepalatial period
15:30 Questions/comments
15:40 Coffee break
16:00 Maria CHOLEVA
A phenomenon of craft behavior in a period of mutation: the introduction
and the adoption of the potter’s wheel during the EB2b and EB3 in the Aegean
16:40 Questions/comments
16:50 Ina BERG
Technological changes in a period of trouble and mutation: Middle and early
Late Bronze Age Cyclades
17:30 Questions/comments
17:40 General discussion on the first day chaired by Reinhard JUNG
Friday 19th February 2016
9:00 Accueil et inscription/Registration – café/coffee
3. Technological changes in periods of trouble and mutation: 13th c. BC Mediterranean
3a. Mainland
9:20 Elina Kardamaki & Konstantina Kaza-Papageorgiou
Change and continuity in the pottery tradition at Kontopigado, Athens during the late 13th and the early 12th century BC
10:00 Questions/comments
10:10 Salvatore VITALE
The Troubled Century: Pottery Technology and Socio-Political Changes at
Mitrou, East Lokris, During the 13th Century B.C.
10:50 Questions/comments
11:00 Coffee break
11:20 Bartek LIS
Handmade pottery in Mainland Greece during the 13th and 12th century BC
as a sign of an economic crisis?
12:00 Questions/comments
3b: East Mediterranean
12h10: Artemis GEORGIOU
Technological changes in periods of transformation: Re-examining the Late Cypriot ceramic industry during the 13th to 12thcentury BC transition
12h50: questions/comments
13h00: lunch break
14h00: David BEN SHLOMO
Pottery imports and local production during the 13th and 12th c. BCE in the southern Levant: Change and Continuity
14h40: questions/comments
3c: West Mediterranean
14h50: Marco BETTELLI, Elisabetta BORGNA & Sara LEVI
Technological and stylistic changes in periods of trouble and mutation in Italy during Late Bronze Age (XIII and XII cent. BC.)
15h30: questions/comments
15h40: coffee break
16h00 – introduction to the final discussion by Ilaria CALOI & Charlotte LANGOHR
16h10 – general discussion and conclusions chaired by Reinhard JUNG