Archaeology of the Sea
21-22 March 2014
Royal Museums of Art and History
Brussels (Belgium)
The aim of this conference is to explore to what degree the sea served both as a barrier and as an enabler of interactions between Mediterranean communities since the earliest prehistory till the end of the Hellenistic period. We also aim to stress how, at different times, the sea and coastal places were at the origin of meaningful traditions through which individuals and communities constructed multiple relationships
The conference accompanies the ‘Nautilus. Navigating Greece’, at BOZAR
Preliminary Program
Friday March 21st
09:30-10:00: registration
10:00-10:15: welcome addresses by Dr. L. Mendoni, Prof. A. Tsingarida
1st Session: Travelling the Prehistoric Mediterranean: chair J. Driessen
10:15-10:45: Nena Galanidou, The Quaternary sea: a linking thread in early human travels in the Aegean Basin
10:45-11:15: Colin Renfrew, Cycladic seafaring from the palaeolithic to the world’s first maritime sanctuary
11:15-11:30: Coffee Break
11:30-12:00: Maria Andreadaki-Vlazaki, Minoan Thallasocracy: Myths and Finds
12:00-12:30: Diamanthis Panagiotopoulos, Maritime Entanglements. Bronze Age Crete in its Mediterranean Context
12:30-13:00: Tom Tartaron, Recovering the Maritime Coastal Communities of Mycenaean Greece
13:0-14:30: Lunch Break
2nd Session: Travelling in the Dark Ages: chair A. Tsingarida
14:30-15:00: Shelley Wachsmann, The Gurob Ship-Cart Model
15:00-15:30: Nikos Stambolidis, Touches on the canvas of the Homeric Wine Dark Sea
15:30-16:00: Jan Paul Crielaard, Towards an archaeology of the sea. Making sense of the Aegean seascape in the Early Iron Age
16:00-16:15: Coffee Break
16:15-16:45: Anastasia Gadolou, Shedding further light on the sea route from the northern Peloponnese to “Magna Grecia” during the 8th c. BC.
3rd Session: Masters of the Mediterranean: chair A. Tsingarida
16:45-17:15: Bjorn Löven, The Athenian naval bases in the Piraeus – the backbone of the first European Democracy
17:15-17:45: David Blackman, Emblems of naval power
17:45-18:15: Vassilios Lambrinoudakis, The element of the sea in the cult and the myths of Classical Athens
Saturday March 22nd
4th Session : Travelling throughout the Oikoumène : chair Dr. N. Valakou
10:00-10:15 : registration
10:15-10:45 : Roland Etienne, La politique portuaire de Délos sous Nicias
10:45-11:15 Sebastiano Tusa, The First Punic war revisited after the recent underwater discoveries in Sicily
11:15-11:30: Coffee Break
11:30-12:00: Pavlos Triantafyllidis, The Radiance of Hellenistic Rhodes in the Mediterranean
12:00-12:30: Giorgos Koutsouflakis, “The Unharvested Sea”: a century of underwater exploration in the Hellenic archipelago
12:30-13:00: Cyprian Broodbank, Makings of a Middle Sea: A comparative Perspective?
13:00-13:15: closing words: Prof. J. Driessen
13:15-14:30: lunch break