Crisis to Collapse
The Archaeology of Social Breakdown
29-30 October 2015
Salle du Sénat Académique
Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
International workshop organised by ARC ‘A World in Crisis?’ and Aegis (UCL-INCAL-CEMA)
Jan Driessen :
Tim Cunningham :
Thursday October 29
8:45 Registration – Welcome Coffee
9:30 Welcome & Introduction on the ARC project by Agnès Guiderdoni (INCAL President) & Jan Driessen (UCL)
9:50 Tim Cunningham (UCL) Introduction: The Archaeology of Social breakdown
10:00 Tim Kohler & R. Kyle Bocinsky (Washington State University) Crises as Opportunities for Culture Change
10:45 Coffee
11:00 Stephen O’Brien (U. Of Liverpool) Boredom with the Apocalypse: Resilience, Regeneration, and Their Consequences for Archaeological Interpretation
11:45 Cameron Petrie (U. of Cambridge) Adaptation to variable environments, resilience to climate change: examining crisis and the Indus Civilisation
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Patricia A. McAnany (U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Santa Fe Institute) Leaving Classic Maya Cities: Reflections on the Fragility of Political Experimentation
14:45 Christian Isendahl (U. of Gothenburg) Problem-Solving for Sustainability Leading to Crises? Water Management and Society in the Classic Puuc Maya Lowlands
15:30 Coffee
15:45 Felix Riede (Aarhus University) Eventful deep history and societal collapse in prehistory – the Laacher See case study
16:30 Bulent Arikan (Istanbul Technical University) Crisis in the Highlands: Agent-based Modeling of the Early Bronze Age-I (ca. 5,000–4,750 cal. BP) Socioeconomic Transformations at Arslantepe (Eastern Anatolia)
17:15 General discussion on the first day
18:00 Break
19:00 Key-note lecture: Joseph Tainter (Utah State University) Energy and Complexity: How Evolution Causes Catastrophes
Friday October 30
8:45 Registration – Welcome Coffee
9:00 Miroslav Barta (Charles University, Prague) Anatomy of crisis of the Old Kingdom (2700-2200 BC)
9:45 Lorenzo Nigro (Sapienza, Rome) The end of the Early Bronze Age in the Southern Levant – urban crisis and collapse seen from the sites of Jericho in the Jordan Valley and Batrawy in the central Jordanian Highlands – a multifactorial approach
10:30 Coffee
10:45 Saro Wallace (Harvard University, Washington DC) The classic crisis? Some features of current crisis narratives for the Aegean Late Bronze-Early Iron Age
11:30 Guy D. Middleton (U. of Newcastle) The Late Mycenaean period – an age of anxiety?
12:15 Lunch
13:30 Igor Kreimerman (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) A Typology for Destruction Layers: the Late Bronze Age Southern Levant as a Case Study
14:15 Megan Cifarelli (Manhattanville College, Purchase) Archaeological Evidence for Small Scale Crisis: Hasanlu between destructions
15:00 Coffee
15:15 Svante Fischer (IEA-Nantes) Late Roman Gaul – Survival Amidst Collapse?
16:00 Keir Strickland (U. of the Highlands and Islands) The Mediaeval Collapse of Anuradhapura (Sri Lanka): We Were Collapsing Before the Crisis Even Hit
16:45 General discussion
17:45 Closing words